Sunday, February 14, 2010

Nature in Japan

On my trip, I got to see mountains, ocean, and other parts of nature that I really miss in Minnesota.

On the ferry to the island of Miyajima, there were many wonderful views of the water, mountains, and trees.

On Miyajima, and also at other shrines, the deer are very friendly.

My first view of Mt. Fuji was from the Shinkansen, or bullet train.

In the Owakudani Valley, there are sulfur hot springs, some of which are up to 80°C, hot enough to boil eggs in. Sulfer black hard boiled eggs, as well as other foods cooked in these hot springs are very popular.

       Egg Transport

          Fresh sulfur boiled egg.

There are many nice gardens in Japan. This one is at the ryokan (traditional Japanese hotel) where the band stayed in the Owakundani Valley

In the Owakundani Valley, the Komagatake Ropeway takes people up a mountain. It was very foggy the day we went, and the top of the mountain was completely surrounded by fog, but on the way up, we got some amazing views of the valley.

           On the very top of the mountain is a shrine.

           The mountaintop gondola station.

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