Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wesel, AFS 2005-2006

Just a few photos from my year-long exchange with AFS in Wesel, Germany in 2005-2006.

The Berliner Tor, the gate to Wesel.

The Wesel Cathedral.

The "Esel von Wesel." Esel means donkey in German, so since Wesel sounds like Esel, they have taken it as their symbol.

The Music School, where I spent numerous hours each week in rehearsals and lessons.

Among other ensembles, I played in the pit orchestra for the music school's production of Annie (in German).

I got to be great friends with the other exchange students in the area. Here I am with Katri from Finland and Rachael from California.

My family! Hannah, Micot, Heike, Garlic and Chilli.

I had a huge extended family! Here I am with most of my host cousins.

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