What is an archivist? What is archiving? I get these questions all the time. It's what happens when you have a passion for something obscure. Sometimes I respond with fun answers like, "I organize old stuff" or "I work in the basement of a museum." The truth is, the job of an archivist is very complex, and it depends what type of archive you work in, what type of job you might focus on. I have talked to many different archivists at many different archives, who have all given different answers to the question. The first archivist I interviewed (at The Museum of Flight) told me she "managed 2-dimensional artifacts." Generally, archiving refers only to pictorial, text, and media, reserving the term "collections management" for the care of an entire museum collection encompassing both archival materials and objects.
When I interviewed an archivist at the National Archives in DC, she explained that they divided their staff by processing, preservation, and reference. She herself had started in processing, found that to be boring, and then moved into reference, where she felt more at home as a strong extrovert passionate about history.
Through my own work and experiences, as well as these and other informational interviews, I have come up with my own perception of how the field of archiving is divided. Each time I interview a new intern, I explain this to them, in order to help chose a project that they will like the most.
Accessioning is the first step in the archival process. Accession records tell the custodial history (who previously owned the material), and a brief description of what is coming into the repository. Accessioning is the step where the items receive their identification number, called their accession number. In the numerical system we use at NHS, also common in other museum archives, this number consists of three parts. The first part is the year in which it is accessioned. Hopefully this is the same year it came into the repository, but unfortunately this is not always the case due to extreme backlog or previous lack of record.
The next step in the archival process is called "processing." This is where the most work, by far, occurs, and also the point at which the accession number is actually attached to the material. This work varies substantially depending on the type of material being dealt with.
Archival processing, which generally refers to text documents, often just consists of inventorying. NHS receives a very wide variety of types of collections, so it is difficult to give a simple description of what archival processing usually entails. At the end of processing, an archival collection should be neatly housed in archival folders, which are placed in a logical order in one or more archival boxes, all of which are properly labeled. In most cases, the collection will require some sort of written inventory (usually a list of folder titles/numbers). Each collection will require a different amount of re-foldering and/or re-organization. Provenance is the idea that a collection should be kept in its original order. This is only sometimes applicable at NHS; many collections come to us with no existing order, in which cases we must establish a logical order for the collection.
Photographs are the most complicated by far. They cannot be represented by simply a name; all require a fully descriptive title. A picture says a thousand words, right? So how does one manage them? First of all, every image must be given a number so that it can be kept track of. Second, every photo must be put in a proper sleeve to protect it from fingers, as well as from the surrounding air. The photos should be arranged in the most logical order, like archival collections, and housed in folders and/or boxes. An inventory must be made, and ideally, all images will also be scanned.
I think of media as falling somewhere between object and archive. A video has a proper title and creator, but generally requires little more work than housing and inventory. Collections with mixed forms of media can be hard to properly house (cassettes, VHS tapes, DVDs and CDs often come in collections together). Usually, the whole collection will be arranged in the most logical order (usually chronologically or alphabetically), given sequential accession numbers in that order, then separated by format for proper housing.
Collections processing is generally the simplest, because objects usually come in small donations. The object(s) must be described, and then housed with acid-free paper, or whatever packaging is appropriate, labeled, and placed in the collections room. However, some collections can be quite large. For example, an intern is currently working on processing a collection containing 1000's of pins. Each pin needs to be labeled with its individual accession number, housed in an archival box, and then a complete inventory of the entire collection must be made. We also are slowly making it standard procedure to photograph objects in the collection in order to have a visual record of the object.
The line between processing and preservation can be a fine one, but there are distinct enough differences so that it deserves its own category. At NHS, we don't do a substantial amount of preservation work. For example, my campaigning for a freezer is a sort of preservation effort, but the work done to prepare the negatives to go into the freezer would all be considered processing. Generally, I like to think of preservation as anything that requires much scientific knowledge or skill, beyond putting photos in sleeves or objects in paper.
Reference is the applicable side of archiving. Archives are organized for the purpose of helping researchers find the information they are looking for, and archivists are there to help. Reference generally works in two ways: researchers come in and do their research with you assisting and supervising, or they ask you to find something for them. Since we don't have a "reference archivist," NHS runs its archives on an appointment-only basis. When a researcher comes in, I pull the materials they are interested in, which usually end up being folder-level, often from the subject files, but sometimes from other collections. A few times a week, we get research requests either by phone or email. Sometimes a researcher is looking for a specific fact, other times they are looking for generic "information." The latter is much harder, because they often don't want to sift through a collection themselves, so I have to, for example, pick out exactly what pages they might be interested in and scan them.
The archival process is fairly simple in concept, but in reality, it is very multi-faceted and always interesting!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
NHS Archiving Blurbs
Here are two bits I've written about my work at NHS for the CEL.
Project (150 words):
I am the archivist at the Northfield Historical Society, which involves: accessioning, processing, conservation and reference. I also recruit, interview and supervise the interns working in the archives and collections. When research requests come in, usually by phone or email, I find the information they are looking for, and I also assist researchers who come in to use the reference room. This semester, I have written procedure manuals covering all regular archival procedures as well as introductory materials for new volunteers and interns.
Impact on NHS (150 words):
In my two years working for NHS, I have made a substantial impact on their archives. I came in just as their previous archives volunteer had to leave suddenly for health reasons. Over the time I have worked there, I have taken on more projects and responsibilities, going beyond the day-to-day managing of the archives, to working both backward and forward: eliminating the backlog of work, as well as creating a systematic means of continuing to manage the archive after I leave. I have made efforts in recruiting more interns at St. Olaf in hopes that they will help to continue the smooth management of the archives.
Impact on self (150 words):
My work at NHS has had a tremendous effect on my professional development. I came into NHS two years ago, knowing I wanted to be an archivist, but not knowing exactly what the job of an archivist consisted of. I since have taken over the full management of an entire archive. I mostly paved my own way, slowly learning how to answer my own questions and work more and more independently. Since I started at NHS, I have volunteered in other archives around the country, but none of these experiences has been any more fun, rewarding, or meaningful than my internship at NHS.
My name is Alicia Reuter, and I am a senior German major with concentrations in linguistics and management studies, but I am an archivist. I have always loved museums, but after my sophomore year, I realized archiving was where my passion truly lies.
I began working at the Northfield Historical Society at the beginning of my Junior year, and absolutely loved it! At Olaf, many of us get trapped in the little bubble on the top of the hill, and during my first two years, I felt kind of suffocated. But then I discovered life off-campus, at NHS. I started with working on a scanning project 4-6 hours a week. It was refreshing to get off-campus a few hours every week. After I finished that project, I gradually started working more, doing anything and everything in the archive. NHS began to feel even more like home than Olaf! The people there are nice, and it is a fun and academic environment. The experiences I have gained and the skills I have acquired at NHS have prepared me very well for my future career as an archivist. This semester, I arranged my schedule so that I can spend all my time during the day working there, through internships and independent studies. The experiences I've had at NHS are unforgettable, and will be a springboard for the rest of my life.
Feel free to contact me (reutera@stolaf.edu) to find out more about how you too can get involved!
Project (150 words):
I am the archivist at the Northfield Historical Society, which involves: accessioning, processing, conservation and reference. I also recruit, interview and supervise the interns working in the archives and collections. When research requests come in, usually by phone or email, I find the information they are looking for, and I also assist researchers who come in to use the reference room. This semester, I have written procedure manuals covering all regular archival procedures as well as introductory materials for new volunteers and interns.
Impact on NHS (150 words):
In my two years working for NHS, I have made a substantial impact on their archives. I came in just as their previous archives volunteer had to leave suddenly for health reasons. Over the time I have worked there, I have taken on more projects and responsibilities, going beyond the day-to-day managing of the archives, to working both backward and forward: eliminating the backlog of work, as well as creating a systematic means of continuing to manage the archive after I leave. I have made efforts in recruiting more interns at St. Olaf in hopes that they will help to continue the smooth management of the archives.
Impact on self (150 words):
My work at NHS has had a tremendous effect on my professional development. I came into NHS two years ago, knowing I wanted to be an archivist, but not knowing exactly what the job of an archivist consisted of. I since have taken over the full management of an entire archive. I mostly paved my own way, slowly learning how to answer my own questions and work more and more independently. Since I started at NHS, I have volunteered in other archives around the country, but none of these experiences has been any more fun, rewarding, or meaningful than my internship at NHS.
My name is Alicia Reuter, and I am a senior German major with concentrations in linguistics and management studies, but I am an archivist. I have always loved museums, but after my sophomore year, I realized archiving was where my passion truly lies.
I began working at the Northfield Historical Society at the beginning of my Junior year, and absolutely loved it! At Olaf, many of us get trapped in the little bubble on the top of the hill, and during my first two years, I felt kind of suffocated. But then I discovered life off-campus, at NHS. I started with working on a scanning project 4-6 hours a week. It was refreshing to get off-campus a few hours every week. After I finished that project, I gradually started working more, doing anything and everything in the archive. NHS began to feel even more like home than Olaf! The people there are nice, and it is a fun and academic environment. The experiences I have gained and the skills I have acquired at NHS have prepared me very well for my future career as an archivist. This semester, I arranged my schedule so that I can spend all my time during the day working there, through internships and independent studies. The experiences I've had at NHS are unforgettable, and will be a springboard for the rest of my life.
Feel free to contact me (reutera@stolaf.edu) to find out more about how you too can get involved!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
St. Olaf Band Tours Japan
The St. Olaf Band toured Japan in January-February 2010 as a part of the course "The Arts and Culture of Japan." We spent most of our time in and around Tokyo, Hiroshima, and Kyoto.
Okonomiyaki, a Hiroshima specialty. This is basically an "everything" okonomiyaki.
They served us "American" food.
"American" food? Sure.
But Japanese sake. They practically shoved it down our throats.
We had a celebrity farewell after our first concert!
Mystery meat on a stick. Octopus? Bought at a truck stop.
Gakugeikan danced in their show.
The A-Bomb Building in Hiroshima.
The mound in the Hiroshima Peace Park was made from ashes of those burnt in the blast.
Visitors come bearing 1,000 cranes and/or art for peace made out of cranes, which are displayed at the Children's Memorial.
The Children's Memorial.
It is said that this flame is not eternal, but will go out when there are no more atomic bombs left in the world.
Look through the Peace Arch to the Flame to the A-Bomb Building.
The outfit a boy was wearing through the explosion.
A Kyoto suburbial neighborhood.
Saitama Sakae demonstrated Japanese sports for us, including archery,
and sumo wrestling.
For lunch one day, we stopped at a mall that reminded me a great deal of Universal's CityWalk, except it had a pagoda.
There was a dance concert going on, which was really cool. It was also fun how, usually, Japanese people do not show enjoyment during performances, but the drummer in the front in this picture was really having a good time.
Our room in the ryokan, the traditional Japanese hotel.
The group room, where we had meals, class, and No Talent Night.
My new pink yukata that I got for 500 Yen (~$5).
I also got this more expensive one. I wish we could wear yukatas every day!
We had a 7-course traditional Japanese dinner. It was amazing!
Which included grapefruit for dessert.
Japanese dogs wear clothes. This dog was super cute, cuddling in its Sesame Street hoodie in its blankie on the floor.
Shopping area in Asakusa, Tokyo.
Only in Akihabara, can one find a ridiculous collection of cute SD cards. I kind of wanted one.
Did you know that Tokyo also has an Empire State Building? Well, now you do.
Since in Japanese, L and R are the same letter, they often get confused in English, even written English.
Eirik from Norway, grilling us some yummy okonomiyaki.
My tiny room at the hostel/hotel, in Tokyo.
This bear is pointing to the subway doors, saying, "Don't get your finger caught!"
I learned some kanji on my trip. This menu included some important ones: 大 means big, and 辛 means spicy.
Japanese toilets are famous and complicated. They have a) heated seats, b) built-in bidets,
c) music or other sounds, automatic everything. They can't be sufficiently described - you just have
to go check them out!
Some trains on the subways are for women only late at night.
These textured yellow strips in and around subway and train stations guide blind people where to go.
Okonomiyaki, a Hiroshima specialty. This is basically an "everything" okonomiyaki.
They served us "American" food.
"American" food? Sure.
But Japanese sake. They practically shoved it down our throats.
We had a celebrity farewell after our first concert!
Mystery meat on a stick. Octopus? Bought at a truck stop.
Gakugeikan danced in their show.
The A-Bomb Building in Hiroshima.
The mound in the Hiroshima Peace Park was made from ashes of those burnt in the blast.
Visitors come bearing 1,000 cranes and/or art for peace made out of cranes, which are displayed at the Children's Memorial.
The Children's Memorial.
It is said that this flame is not eternal, but will go out when there are no more atomic bombs left in the world.
Look through the Peace Arch to the Flame to the A-Bomb Building.
The outfit a boy was wearing through the explosion.
A Kyoto suburbial neighborhood.
Saitama Sakae demonstrated Japanese sports for us, including archery,
and sumo wrestling.
For lunch one day, we stopped at a mall that reminded me a great deal of Universal's CityWalk, except it had a pagoda.
There was a dance concert going on, which was really cool. It was also fun how, usually, Japanese people do not show enjoyment during performances, but the drummer in the front in this picture was really having a good time.
Our room in the ryokan, the traditional Japanese hotel.
The group room, where we had meals, class, and No Talent Night.
My new pink yukata that I got for 500 Yen (~$5).
I also got this more expensive one. I wish we could wear yukatas every day!
We had a 7-course traditional Japanese dinner. It was amazing!
Which included grapefruit for dessert.
Japanese dogs wear clothes. This dog was super cute, cuddling in its Sesame Street hoodie in its blankie on the floor.
Shopping area in Asakusa, Tokyo.
Only in Akihabara, can one find a ridiculous collection of cute SD cards. I kind of wanted one.
Did you know that Tokyo also has an Empire State Building? Well, now you do.
Since in Japanese, L and R are the same letter, they often get confused in English, even written English.
Eirik from Norway, grilling us some yummy okonomiyaki.
My tiny room at the hostel/hotel, in Tokyo.
This bear is pointing to the subway doors, saying, "Don't get your finger caught!"
I learned some kanji on my trip. This menu included some important ones: 大 means big, and 辛 means spicy.
Japanese toilets are famous and complicated. They have a) heated seats, b) built-in bidets,
c) music or other sounds, automatic everything. They can't be sufficiently described - you just have
to go check them out!
Some trains on the subways are for women only late at night.
These textured yellow strips in and around subway and train stations guide blind people where to go.
Nature in Japan
On my trip, I got to see mountains, ocean, and other parts of nature that I really miss in Minnesota.
On the ferry to the island of Miyajima, there were many wonderful views of the water, mountains, and trees.

On the ferry to the island of Miyajima, there were many wonderful views of the water, mountains, and trees.
On Miyajima, and also at other shrines, the deer are very friendly.
My first view of Mt. Fuji was from the Shinkansen, or bullet train.
In the Owakudani Valley, there are sulfur hot springs, some of which are up to 80°C, hot enough to boil eggs in. Sulfer black hard boiled eggs, as well as other foods cooked in these hot springs are very popular.
Egg Transport
Fresh sulfur boiled egg.
There are many nice gardens in Japan. This one is at the ryokan (traditional Japanese hotel) where the band stayed in the Owakundani Valley

In the Owakundani Valley, the Komagatake Ropeway takes people up a mountain. It was very foggy the day we went, and the top of the mountain was completely surrounded by fog, but on the way up, we got some amazing views of the valley.
On the very top of the mountain is a shrine.
The mountaintop gondola station.
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